The Montgomerys

The Montgomerys

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Growing up and graduating

So our high maitenance baby boy is 2mons old today!! I got lots of smiles today. He enjoyed all the special cuddles. 

Saturday is my baby bros grad party. So proud of him. I can't believe he graduated highschool. I still think of him as a blue-eyed, curly blonde toddler running around peeing in the yard. I wonder if I will ever be able to think of him as a grown-up. 

Friday, June 6, 2014

Recital time!

Amelia had her dress rehearsal for dance. It was so cute. I love watching her. I go to hang out with a mom I know that works for headstart. I can't wait to see the finished recital. The costumes are so cute and the music is perfect. 

I got a few pics beforehand on our deck. :)

Aiden is doing good. He is getting bigger every day. 

Allen is busy and into everything. 

Monday, May 5, 2014

Two in diapers and tantrums galore

With having two in diapers it almost seems like all I do is nurse Aiden and change Allen and Aiden's diapers all day long. The truth is I manage to squeeze in quite a bit during my day. I manage to do at least one load of dishes, at least one load of laundry, clean the living room and vacuum. Those are the things I do every day. Then there's the million other chores that I try to squeeze in. Even taking a shower has become a "squeeze-it-in-chore".

We have a chore chart for the kids with a reward system. The only issue is both of the older two are going through a tantrum phase that involves ignoring mom and dad. On top of that they would have to stop fighting with each other long enough to to complete a chore. 

Aiden is barely sleeping at night. This leaves me starting every day exhausted. I am in constant prayer for the energy and understanding to take care of the house and kids. It's an emotionally and physically exhausting job but it's also the most rewarding. 

Monday, April 28, 2014

Laundry Struggles

So I had thought it was hard getting anything done with two toddlers but trying to get anything done with two toddlers and a newborn is nearly impossible. Aiden wants to nurse constantly and by the time I get him to sleep the other two want something. The laundry and dishes are piling up. I either need a nanny or a maid.... maybe both?! *sigh*

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Been a while

So we have been insanely busy. Most important.... Aiden John was born!! 

He came on April 10th at 11:42am. He weighed 8lbs 2.5oz and was 20ins long. At discharge he was 7lbs 10oz (April 11th) and at his first check-up (April 21st) he was 8lbs 10oz. Yep he gained a pound in 10 days haha. He loves to eat and his siblings love him.

We had a great Easter! We brought the kids to church then to Mike's grandparents for dinner. We had so much fun. 

I can't believe how crazy busy out lives can become all because one tiny little person came out to greet the world. 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Throw back Thursday and bdays to come!

So we are nearing the end of February. March is a busy month. We have already been invited to two bday parties. Plus I made plans to get together with a friend. My husbands b-day is the second, mine is the 14th, my brothers is the 21st, my aunts is the 22nd. We are going to be a very busy bunch! 

So for fun I made up this Throw-back-Thursday collage of Amelia and Allen today:

They are getting so big. :D

Amelia's bday is approaching as well. She is going to be 4!!! Ahh!!! We have set the date for her party and she picked a theme! She wants to have a zebra and pink diva party! 

Tomorrow the kids have head start so I'm really hoping their colds don't keep them up. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Yucky colds, building forts, v-day and remembering Lenard

The kids and I ended up catching a nasty cold virus. We didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night. Daddy is picking up some Vicks vapo-rub tonight so that the babies can get a better nights sleep tonight. They have headstart on Friday so hopefully they will be feeling better. 

Aiden and I had our 32wk check-up and other than me having the cold we are doing great. 8 more weeks!! 

For valentines day we got the kids each a stuff toy and they have come in handy with them being sick. There has been lots of cuddles going on. 

Mike got me a beautiful bouquet of flowers. And I brought him to find a movie and some candy. 

Before Mimi started feeling icky she had done some shoveling outdoors with daddy and I got some adorable pics. I also got cute pics of Allen watching out the window. 

As for today we have been trying to take it easy and rest. We did have an interruption from Jehovah's witnesses but I politely explained I was sick and had two sick babies inside that needed me. Amelia wanted to make a fort but I knew the one she had planned wasn't going to work so I helped her put together one. She has been playing in it and playing store with Allen all day. 

Today is also my uncle Lenard's birthday and it is a hard day for everyone in my family. There have been a lot of hard days since he died. I wasn't even thinking when I was posting pictures of my two little ones playing together about the fact that Lenard was my moms baby brother. I'm really praying that God has His hand on her today. 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Thank you Aiden

Thank you Aiden mommy was missing having morning sickness... Really she was... The 20wks at the beginning of our journey together was definitely not enough puking... I really was hoping you would wake me up at 1am to spend a half hour getting reacquainted with our toilet... You are always so good to mommy and make sure I'm never disappointed or caught off guard lol 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

It's a boy and big changes!

So I thought it was about time with the new lil guy (yes it's a boy! Aiden John) on the way and planning a nursery that we make plans for the kids rooms. 

We still need to buy bedding for Aiden's nursery but we want it to be able to match Allen's stuff. Allen's room still needs painted so here is what we came up with. 
The rockstar monkey blanket is the one we are planning on buying for Aiden. The tan blanket is the one Allen has now. The pic of the room is the paint plan we have for Allen's room. Then we are also going to get the rug and lamp to finish it all off. 

This is the color we picked for Amelia's room and a few possible accessories for her. For sure the lamp. I can't wait to get them going. I'm so excited!!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Busy, Busy, Busy

Ok so this weekend Mike's dad is coming over and helping work on building the frame for the basement wall. Then on Tuesday is my 30wk prenatal check-up. Wednesday both of the kids have dentist appointments. I have been clipping coupons like crazy to help cover the expenses of the party and hubby missing work. Plus I am still trying to catch up on laundry from my 20wks of puking. The gender reveal party is next saturday.

I totally can not wait for the craziness to die down a little. It will be nice after our party when everyone knows the gender so they can all stop asking me if baby is a boy or a girl. I am so nervous about making the cake myself. I really hope it goes well. We still have to get decorations too.

As for me and baby, we are doing good. My back has been pretty sore lately. I can't wait until the baby is here. 11 more weeks! The nursery is coming along nicely. We got a new crib mobile. We have gotten a bunch of the baby proofing stuff recently so no babies will be falling down stairs.

Allen and Amelia are keeping busy with headstart. Allen's teacher seen him on monday but now she will be on vacation for the next 3wks. Amelia got to paint today and she thought that was great. She wanted to play with play dough but we didn't have any.

Lots of fun and exciting things coming up in the next few weeks and months!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Deep cleaning

I've been working like crazy to clean up the house so I don't have anything to worry about for the gender reveal party in a couple of weeks. My feet end up hurting so bad at the end of the day. Thankfully I have a foot spa that Mike got me while I was pregnant with Allen. Tonight lil man and I got our foot spa on together. It was so cute! 

I also finally got around to customizing Amelia's dance bag and she loves it now!

We also made some sensory play toys. 
We did the colored rice in a bottle and I put rice in some baby socks to make some bean bags that they can squish, throw and stretch. They had a blast! We had such a fun day today and so did I. We even ate French toast for lunch.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Third trimester

So we have officially started the 3rd trimester!! I can't wait until this lil one is in my arms! At our appointment on Monday they gave me a tetanus pertussis vaccine and my arm is still a lil sore today. 

The kids had a headstart play date with two sets of twins. One set was Amelia's age and the other was Allen's age. All 4 girls and all four sisters. They were so tired after that that it took us 45mins to wake Allen up from his nap. I did get some pretty great snuggles while he was out. :) 

Amelia liked the older twins but got mad when they wouldn't listen to her when she was bossing them. I'm so glad it's the weekend now. I could use some r and r after a long and fun week. I'm going to make the kids some peanut butter playdough so they can have some fun tomorrow. We tried letting Allen play with store bought playdough and well it didn't go over well. Daddy is putting the munchkins to bed now and then we will get some quiet time. Hopefully we will have a great weekend.