The Montgomerys

The Montgomerys

Monday, April 28, 2014

Laundry Struggles

So I had thought it was hard getting anything done with two toddlers but trying to get anything done with two toddlers and a newborn is nearly impossible. Aiden wants to nurse constantly and by the time I get him to sleep the other two want something. The laundry and dishes are piling up. I either need a nanny or a maid.... maybe both?! *sigh*

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Been a while

So we have been insanely busy. Most important.... Aiden John was born!! 

He came on April 10th at 11:42am. He weighed 8lbs 2.5oz and was 20ins long. At discharge he was 7lbs 10oz (April 11th) and at his first check-up (April 21st) he was 8lbs 10oz. Yep he gained a pound in 10 days haha. He loves to eat and his siblings love him.

We had a great Easter! We brought the kids to church then to Mike's grandparents for dinner. We had so much fun. 

I can't believe how crazy busy out lives can become all because one tiny little person came out to greet the world.