It's seems like now that Allen is getting older that things would feel less chaotic but they don't. Between the kids and the gym and the approaching holiday we have been quite busy. Allen and Amelia are growing like weeds. Allen is sitting up now. Amelia has become mommy's little helper as well as quite the little artist.
Over this past weekend we made our office into a playroom and Amelia really thinks it's neat. Took alot of work and we are still relocating other things and trying to deal with the aftermath mess. Not to mention I'm still playing catch-up with the laundry.
I love being a stay-at-home mom but it's not always what it's cracked up to be. It's alot of work. I used to think stay-at-home mom's cleaned a bit and then spent the whole day watching tv and playing with kids. There is so much more too it. The cleaning and laundry never ends. Then there's the teething and potty training and terrible twos. The schedule runs 24/7. The pay is great though. The reward is worth the hassle. I have two healthy happy well adjusted children.
The kids' dedication is coming up in a couple of weeks and then not long after it's Christmas. This is a very busy, stressful, fun, exciting time for our family. I can't wait to see the kids' faces on Christmas. For now though I can hear my bed calling out to me and my eyes can hardly focus on the screen so it's time to say 'good night'.